The specialists for environmental technology

FSM - Back Pressure Device

    The FSM back pressure device is an optional extra which is installed downstream of a screenings washing press to optimise the dry solid matter content (TS).
    The FSM screening washing press is synonymous with hygienic and efficient handling of screenings. Waste disposal is a cost factor at every installation – wet screenings are heavy screenings and increase your costs. The septage in the water must be delivered to the subsequent sewage purification processes.
    The FSM screening washing press reduces the weight and volume of your screenings and in addition washes out more than 95% of fecal matter.  

    Functional principle:
    The FSM back pressure device is optionally built into the discharge pipe of a screenings washing press. The open section of the discharge pipe is varied by means of a shutter which is operated by a hydraulic cylinder.

    The TS content can be set to the required value – a TS value of over 50% can be achieved.
    To ensure high operating reliability at high TS values, the current consumption of the screenings washing press drive is monitored and a special drive control prevents high wear of the extruding screw. We thus achieve high performance combined with low operating costs. After leaving the back pressure device, the screenings remain in the discharge pipe and drop into a container or onto a conveyor at the end of the pipe.

    Further optional extras:

    A cutting device, a swivelling unit or a sack packing device can be optionally fitted at the end of the discharge pipe.

Applications - Back Pressure Device

    Applications in municipal and industrial clarification plant
    • waste water pre-treatment / fine screening
    • sludge screening / secondary sludge
    • sludge screening / primary sludge
    • sea water discharge
    • rainwater tank overflow and storage channel screening
    • septage reception and Treatment

    Applications in the paper and cellulose industry
    • coarse matter runoff,  channel water

    Applications in power plants
    • Cooling- and fabrication water intake
    • Seawater intake

    Applications in the Industrie
    • meat, fish and poultry processing / slaughterhouses – preliminary clarification of total waste water
    • Sugar industrie – preliminary clarification of total waste water
    • composting installations, waste product and disposal engineering, seepage water treatment
    • fruit and vegetables – preliminary clarification of total waste water
    • brewery - preliminary clarification of total waste water
    • disposal of wet debris and kitchen waste
    • disposal of foodstuffs and food waste

Features, Dimensions and Material

    • High reliability through robust construction
    • Reduction of waste disposal costs, minimising of volume and weight of screenings.
    • Made of stainless steel
    • Can be easily retrofitted to an existing installation, because very flexible and adaptable.
    • Excellent cost/performance ratio
    • Low maintenance costs
    • Suitable for outdoor sites / operation in winter
    • Machine completely hygienically encapsulated


    diameter  200 mm        300 mm        350 mm
    troughput up to  12 m³/h      
    solid matter  > 50 %        > 50 %        > 50 %
    volume reduction  65 to 85%        65 to 85%        65 to 85%
    weight reduction  65 to 85%        65 to 85%        65 to 85%


    machine housing  stainless steel SS304 or SS316, other materials on request
    plate  stainless steel SS304 or SS316, other materials on request


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FSM Frankenberger GmbH

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Vor dem Hohen Stein 1
D-35415 Pohlheim

+49 (0) 64 04 - 91 94 0
+49 (0) 64 04 - 91 94 91

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